Kent Fire and Rescue water warning following dog rescue

Wednesday took quite an unexpected turn for two-year-old pup Raki and his owners, who were enjoying a long coastal walk on Reculver Lane, Herne Bay.

The Russian Black Terrier gave his owners quite a scare when he fell down a steep and slippery coastal wall – before getting completely stuck in the mud and water below.

The footage below shows Raki, who was lucky to escape the ordeal with no injuries, being rescued by Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) crews. Firefighters wearing dry suits used the wall base for access, before releasing specialist rescue lines to secure Raki and lift him back to safety. The pup is now back in the care of his relieved owner..

Kent Fire and Rescue Service

A passerby who had climbed down over the wall in an attempt to rescue Raki himself, before calling the fire service, also had to be rescued by firefighters. 

Raki’s owner, Meredith says: “The one thing I would take away from this is to urge other dog owners to always keep your dogs on a lead. You never know what trouble your dog may find themselves in, because there aren’t always visible warning signs near steep edges or other hazardous areas. It was such a scary thing to go through, especially since the tide was starting to come in, and it was becoming more dangerous by the minute. We’re so glad the fire service were there – they did an absolutely amazing job rescuing him, and I’m pleased to say that Raki is now back to his usual self.”

Following the incident, crews are urging Kent and Medway residents to keep some important safety messages in mind this Bank Holiday weekend, and beyond.

“Our crews are often called out to rescues from mud and water, and the reality is that the result from this incident could have been very different. If you’re out walking your pets this season, remember to place them on a lead whenever you’re near water, steep heights or other hazards. It’s also important to never jump into water after your dog, because chances are, if they become stuck or are unable to get out – the same thing could happen to you. The best thing to do in this situation is to call for help.”

Adrian Still-well Cox, Group Manager at KFRS

Whenever you’re out and about this season, it’s always important to keep KFRS’ water safety tips in mind:

More water safety advice, here.

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