The push to find long-term homes for those at risk of sleeping rough in the Folkestone & Hythe district is continuing with nine new accommodation units about to open.
The privately rented accommodation in central Folkestone will have an on-site manager and also a support network to help the people living there to move to a more settled way of life
The homes are being provided following collaboration between the Folkestone & Hythe District Council housing team, Kent’s homeless charity Porchlight and the Rainbow Centre, which is the Folkestone charity helping those facing deprivation and hardship.
An F&HDC spokesperson said: “The council’s housing options team has been working successfully over the last two years to secure sustainable housing for clients, in particular those who have been rough sleeping in the district.
“As well as providing long-term accommodation the housing team has worked together with our Community Safety Unit to provide the support services which have tackled some of the underlying causes of anti-social behaviour in certain areas.”
The winter shelter in Folkestone provided by the Rainbow Centre, which has been helping people with a history of rough sleeping during the winter period, is also to remain open until the end of June to continue supporting those people it has been helping over the last few months.
Working with the Rainbow Centre, F&HDC is using homelessness funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to continue the Winter Shelter services for the remaining clients. This will be alongside support services from Porchlight Outreach, as part of the Kent Homeless Connect contract, which will continue to work to try and find long-term accommodation for those without homes.
“We are delighted and proud to be part of F&HDC partnership working with other homeless support agencies to benefit rough sleeping and vulnerably-housed clients who the Rainbow Centre has supported over many years. We are particularly grateful that Winter Shelter guests have remained in B&Bs so we can continue working together to find them more permanent housing options thanks to F&HDC funding.”
Mary Stredwick of the Rainbow Centre