Kent Police appeal after car ‘intentionally driven’ into a teenage boy in alleyway

Witnesses to a serious assault in Gravesend are being encouraged to contact Kent Police.

At around 6pm on Sunday 25 April 2021, a silver Ford Fiesta is said to have been intentionally driven into a teenage boy in an alleyway that adjoins Waterton Avenue and Mark Lane.

He sustained a serious leg injury that required treatment at a London hospital.

In the moments leading up to the assault, the victim is understood to have been socialising with a group of friends at the swings in Waterton Park.

While in the play area they were approached by a teenage boy, who is known to them and is said to have made a series of verbal threats.

The victim and his friends walked away and left the park through the front gate in Waterton Avenue, where they were threatened by two males in the Fiesta.

The vehicle is then said to have been in collision with the victim while he walked down an alleyway which adjoins Waterton Avenue and Mark Lane. The car was last seen heading away from the scene, travelling towards Lower Range Road.

Detectives are following several lines of enquiry and would like to hear from anyone who thinks they have information that could be of assistance.

They also arrested a 16-year-old boy, who is alleged to have started the initial confrontation, on the same night. He has been released on bail, pending further enquiries, until Wednesday 19 May.

Anyone with information, or privately held CCTV and dash cam footage that was recorded in the area at the time of the incident, is asked to call Kent Police on 01474 366149 quoting 46/69267/21.

You can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form which is available via

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