Kent Test deadline looms

Parents and carers who would like their children to be considered for a grammar
school place in Kent from September 2022 have just under two weeks to register
them for the Kent Test.

Registration needs to be completed by midnight on 1 July and, to be eligible, children
must be resident in the UK and expecting to start their final year in primary school in
September 2021.

This year’s test will go ahead in September, as is normally the case – unlike last year
when it was delayed by a month in line with Department for Education COVID-19

The test is expected to be held on 9 September for children who currently go to
school in Kent or the weekend of 11 September for those attending school outside

Shellina Prendergast, KCC’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “The
Kent Test helps parents and children to identify the most suitable type of school for
the next stage of their education.

“If you are interested in a grammar school place for your child, you need to register
them for the Kent Test by the deadline of 1 July.

“While it has been a difficult year for all families, the Kent Test combines a formal
assessment with an independent review process led by Kent Head Teachers,
allowing each child’s individual circumstances to be considered before a result is

“In light of all that children have had to cope with over the last year, we are
continuing to work with schools in an effort to ensure that the process does not
disadvantage them further.

“Nearly all Kent grammar schools now give some priority for pupils eligible for free
school meals in their admissions arrangements and we are particularly keen to
encourage these families to register and sit the test if their child is interested in
attending a Kent grammar school.”

Parents are encouraged to register online at and can find
further information at Applicants who provide a valid email
address will be e-mailed after 4pm on 21 October with their child’s result. All other
applicants will be sent their outcome letter by first class post sent on the same day.
While KCC does not expect that changes will be necessary to the published dates of
the Kent Test, registered families will be contacted directly if COVID makes current
plans untenable.

Children must not attend the assessment if they are in a period of self-isolation or
exhibit COVID-19 symptoms on the day of the test. Details of alternative
arrangements will be confirmed shortly after their originally scheduled test date.

School offers will be made on National Offer Day, 1 March 2021, and each child will
be offered their highest available preference. Children are not guaranteed a place at
a Kent Grammar school just because their child receives a selective assessment
through the Kent Test.

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