Between 7.50pm and 8.20pm on Saturday 26 June 2021, two teenage boys were sitting on a bench in Kingsnorth Gardens when they were approached by four men.
It is reported that one of the men attempted to take a backpack from one of the boys while repeatedly punching him. The man then reached to his waistband to show what the victim believed was a bladed article.
The boy managed to get away while keeping hold of his bag but although injured he was not hospitalised.
The four men are all described as being in their late teens or early 20s and between five feet, eight inches and six feet tall.
One was wearing a black coat over a blue tracksuit, another was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a grey Nike jumper, a third was wearing a black jumper and the fourth was wearing a blue and white hooded top. Two wore balaclavas and another two had black scarves over their faces.
Officers are investigating the incident and are asking anyone who saw anything suspicious in the area, or who has CCTV or dashcam footage which may assist, to contact Kent Police on 01843 222289, quoting reference 46/111378/21.
You can also call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form on their website.