Whitstable Harbour assists seafarers receive their coronavirus jabs

Whitstable Harbour

Whitstable Harbour played an important role in the country’s ongoing vaccination programme this weekend.

Only a few UK port authorities provide access for visiting seafarers to Covid 19 vaccination centres, and Whitstable was added to the list of ports supporting this initiative.

On Sunday morning the ship Neptune diverted from her schedule to berth at Whitstable Harbour.

Arrangements had been made to bring the ship’s crew ashore and take them to Estuary View Medical Centre where they were due to receive their vaccinations. Once back on board, the ship planned to depart to resume her schedule.

As a gesture of support for these seafarers, all harbour charges and fees for this visit are being waived.

Chairman of the Whitstable Harbour Board, Cllr Neil Baker, said: “Whitstable may be a small harbour but we are big when it comes to our compassion and are doing what we can to play a part in the global fight against Covid.

“It’s great that we are able to help the Neptune crew, who are constantly moving from port to port, receive their vaccinations.”

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