Fabric of Ashford weaves magic back into the High Street

Ashford’s High Street will come to life with an explosion of colour this weekend (Sat 17 July) as beautiful fabric creations decorate the Bandstand and town centre as part of The Fabric of Ashford; an inspiring art installation created by and for the local Ashford community.

In partnership with London-based event company Emergency Exit Arts, Loveashford is
hosting The Fabric of Ashford, a community co-creation art project which will see the bandstand
beautifully decorated with colourful fabric squares, created and designed by the local community.

The installation will be an epic collective effort that grows in length over the summer, and will live
on as an historical piece capturing Ashford’s journey to recovery following the pandemic.

Three free textile workshops will take place in the town centre throughout July and August,
allowing the public to create fabric-based artwork to contribute to the installation.

People will be encouraged to think about three key themes when creating their individual sections:

Tribute: a moment to commemorate who and what we have lost.
Together: how has the Ashford community come together and who can we celebrate?
Tomorrow: a new day. Looking forward with hope and reimagining a new dawn.

Over the course of the summer, the fabric squares will be brought together to form a poignant tribute, making it a living, growing piece of art which will remain in place until the early autumn.

For those unable to attend the workshops, donated fabric can be collected from Made in Ashford in Park Mall for people to craft their creations from the comfort of their own home. They can then be dropped back to the shop and added to the installation.

Workshop times and dates:

Saturday 17 July
1pm – 6pm at Ashford Bandstand  
Saturday 31 July    
Workshop 1: Victoria Park (by the Hubert Fountain) 1pm-4pm   
Workshop 2: Elwick Place, 5pm-8pm  
Saturday 14 August    
Workshop 1: Victoria Park (by the Hubert Fountain), 1pm-4pm   
Workshop 2: Elwick Place, 5pm-8pm  

Cllr Nathan Iliffe, Portfolio holder for Regeneration and Corporate Property, said: “This is the first time we’ve been able to facilitate an event in the town centre since the onset of the pandemic and the reopening of the high street. We hope that the Fabric of Ashford not only creates a vibrant, visually attractive centrepiece for the town, but also brings the community together to look back on the past year and look forward to the future.”

For more information on the Fabric of Ashford, visit https://www.loveashford.com/

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