Headcorn speed checks

Kent Police patrols have targeted speeding motorists in the Headcorn area after residents raised road safety concerns at a recent community meeting.

In response, officers from the Maidstone Community Policing Team and the Kent Police Road Safety Unit completed speed checks in Mill Bank, during the morning of Wednesday 18 August 2021.


Eleven vehicles were stopped by officers and five drivers were reported for driving in excess of the 40 mph limit. A further four motorists were given words of advice.

Drug driving

In addition, a 29-year-old man from Maidstone was also arrested on suspicion of driving with a drug level above the specified limit.

Police Sergeant Tony Nolan of the Maidstone Task Force said: ‘Local officers noted the concerns raised at a recent community meeting regarding vehicles failing to slow down as they entered the village.

‘Children, pensioners and other pedestrians regularly cross the road in the centre of Headcorn and drivers should remember they have a responsibility to keep other road users safe.

‘The enforcement activity today should send a clear message to those who fail to slow down sufficiently that the manner of their driving has consequences. Motorists can expect further checks in other rural areas.’

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