Car owners in Canterbury are being warned not to leave anything of value in their vehicles following incidents near the city.

Between Monday 20 and Thursday 23 September 2021, three cars were broken into in Sweechgate, Broad Oak.

A wallet was stolen from one of the vehicles and nothing was taken from the other two.

Officers have also received a report of a suspect trying to open the doors of at least two other cars in the area around the same dates.

Inspector Guy Thompson, of Canterbury Community Safety Partnership, said: ‘Enquiries are being made into these offences, but I would like to remind all motorists in the district to double check their car doors are locked at night.

‘You can also reduce the chances of your vehicle being broken into by parking in a garage or a well-lit area, preferably one covered by CCTV.

‘Most importantly, ensure you do not leave anything of value in your vehicle while you are away from it, and make sure any other items are not on show.’

Anyone with information about the incidents in Broad Oak should call Kent Police on 01843 222289, quoting reference 46/185301/21.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, or by using the online form on their website.

By Ed

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