Drugs seized after officers catch Canterbury counterfeit currency suspects

A call to a theft taking place in Canterbury has resulted in officers seizing a large quantity of suspected class A and B drugs.

Police from the Canterbury Local Policing Team were called to a car park in Ivy Lane in the city, shortly before 5pm on Sunday 28 November 2021, where a laptop had been stolen. It was reported that the victim had arranged to sell the laptop, however was left empty-handed when he realised the buyer had paid with counterfeit cash instead.

Suspects found

Following enquiries into the report, officers stopped a vehicle in Waterham Road later the same evening. The occupants of the car, two men aged 21 from Canterbury and 20 from London, were arrested in connection with the counterfeit currency.

More than 700 grams of suspected class A drugs, as well as two kilos of cannabis, scales, a mobile phone and small deal bags were found and seized following the arrests.

The 21-year-old man was further arrested on suspicion of possessing class A drugs and cannabis with intent to supply. He was released on bail until 21 December. The 20-year-old man was released under investigation.

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