Blooming marvellous splash of colour in Dover

The Leader of Dover District Council, Cllr Trevor Bartlett this week met up with representatives from Transition Dover and thanked them for their hard work preparing 16 large planters in Dover town centre. 

The team has removed weeds, refilled the compost and planted hundreds of bulbs, set to burst into colour in the new year. 

The planting has been paid for by the Welcome Back Fund (formerly known as the ‘Reopening High Streets Safely’ fund) which assists Local Authorities to encourage people to return safely to their local town centres.  

Cllr Bartlett said: “It was great to meet such an enthusiastic local group who are so passionate about improving their home town.  We know that these remain challenging times, but with the Council’s vision for regeneration in Dover and support from groups like Transition Dover we continue to work together to help shape a great future.” 

DDC has been allocated £267,000 from the fund and has worked with Town and Parish Councils as well as community groups to carry out a range of projects including: 

Future plans for the fund include: 

For further information please see or see the GOV.UK website.   

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