Dover woman jailed for repeatedly breaching restraining order

Repeated breaches of a restraining order have led to a Dover woman being jailed for 16 months.

In July 2021Sharon Stewart was released from prison after serving a three-year sentence for stalking.

Despite still being the subject of a restraining order, she sent five unwanted messages to a man who is known to her over a six-week period.

The messages generally took the form of abusive emails, with one communication saying, ‘Can you help with the voices in my head telling me to kill you?’

She also posted an unwanted card to the victim’s address.

The 49-year-old, from Dover but of no fixed address, admitted five counts of breaching a restraining order and was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court on Tuesday 21 December 2021.

Police Constable Paul Harris, Kent Police’s investigating officer for the case, said: ‘Despite serving time in prison for an offence which caused the victim of this case considerable distress, Stewart has shown no remorse and continued with her offending.

‘She continues to pose a danger and had her offending not been brought to a stop when we arrested and remanded her in custody in September, I have little doubt she would have continued to offend.

‘I hope the victim can gain a sense of justice from this result, and anyone affected by similar offending is encouraged to report it to us so we can take appropriate action.’

PC Paul Harris
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