More than £20 million taken from criminals operating in Kent

More than £20 million in cash and assets has been taken from criminals operating in Kent over the past five years, with nearly £8 million taken across 2021.

Specialist financial investigators within the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate use the Proceeds of Crime Act to relentlessly pursue organised criminals, including drug dealers, fraudsters, and thieves, to ensure they are unable to benefit from their offending.

Their expertise and diligent case building led to 193 successful outcomes over the past 12 months, with these taking the form of a confiscation order or a forfeiture order.

A confiscation order is not dissimilar to a fine, but it instructs an offender to pay back the amount they have benefited from crime within 3 months from their own assets. A forfeiture order strips a criminal of cash and property gained through their offending.

In 2021, £4,503,339 by way of confiscation and £3,314,184 was taken as a result of a forfeiture.

The totals mean that, over the past five calendar years, £20,077,309 has been taken using the Proceeds of Crime Act.

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Details of the assets seized

Outstanding work

Detective Chief Inspector Rob Harper, from the Economic Crime Unit, said: ‘Depriving criminals of £8 million in one calendar year is a testament to the outstanding professionalism of our Financial Investigation Unit. You need to only look at the results they achieve year on year to see they are severely hampering organised criminals in Kent.

‘It would be completely inappropriate for a criminal to serve a prison sentence, only to have their illegally gained assets available to them once they are released. The Proceeds of Crime Act is a vital piece of legislation that helps us ensure that does not happen.

‘It can also be used in cases where we have been unable to prove a person was responsible for a criminal act, but when the courts agree with us that the money or property was gained unlawfully.

‘There will never be any let-up in our efforts to target individuals who bring harm to our communities and we will continue to use every available resource to ensure robust action is taken.’

Multi-million-pound confiscation

The largest individual order secured in 2021 saw £3,491,433 confiscated from a man, formerly of Canterbury, who was responsible for a complex VAT fraud.

The offender used at least 12 fake identities over his life and created sham companies which falsely claimed VAT repayments from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. He was sentenced to more than five years’ imprisonment in 2018.

Although behind bars, recovering his criminal gains required diligent case building from financial investigators.

Their evidence was presented to a judge over a six-day hearing which ultimately led to the order being secured in June 2021.

Other results

More about POCA

Where there is an identifiable victim for a case, assets recovered under the proceedings detailed have been returned to them. Where there is no victim, the returns are distributed to operational agencies, including Kent Police, under the Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme (ARIS).

Broadly, ARIS divides recovered assets between operational agencies and the Home Office which is then reinvested into policing.

If you believe someone you know has unexplained wealth or is benefiting financially from crime, please report it to Kent Police online or by calling 101.

Alternatively call the independent charity Crimestoppers in Kent anonymously on 0800 555111 or make a report via their website.

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