Three indecent exposure reports in Paddock Wood thought to be same man

An image, shown below, has been issued by officers investigating multiple reports of indecent exposure in Paddock Wood.

Three separate incidents have been reported to Kent Police, which have all taken place in the Transfesa Road area. 

PW Indecent - desktop

It is alleged a man walking along the street was indecently exposed on 12 and 18 October 2021, and then on 8 December. The suspect is described as being the same person on each occasion.

Can you help? 

Officers would now like to identify the man pictured, who may have important information.

Anyone who recognises him, or has information which may assist the investigation, should contact Kent Police on 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/202951/21.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or by using the online form. 

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