Pair assault and rob man in 60s as he used ATM in Chatham

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Officers are investigating a report of a robbery at an ATM in Chatham.

The incident happened at Lloyds Bank in the High Street at 12.50pm on Wednesday 2 February 2022.

A man in his 60s was using a cash machine outside the premises when it is alleged two suspects assaulted him, increased the amount he was seeking to withdraw and then stole the cash that was dispensed.


The suspects ran off towards Manor Road. One is described as wearing an Adidas tracksuit with white stripes and white trainers. The other had a black tracksuit and black trainers.

PC George Shokar, of Medway CID, said: ‘Investigators have been examining CCTV in the area and we are now appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to call the appeal line.
‘We are also asking motorists with dashcam and residents with privately held CCTV, to check for footage that may assist the investigation.
‘I would remind anyone seeking to use ATMs to ensure there is nobody near to them when they are entering their PIN and withdrawing cash.’

Anyone with information should call Kent Police on 01634 792209, quoting reference 46/21575/22.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form on their website.

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