Tunbridge Wells smash and grab thief escapes on ‘e-scooter’ with jewellery worth £44,000

A Tunbridge Wells burglar who targeted a business on an electric scooter has been jailed.

On 29 October 2021Frederick Webb forced open the front door of a jeweller in the High Street and smashed the glass in several cabinets.

Frederick Webb DESKTOP
Frederick Webb Photo: Kent Police

He then stole jewellery worth almost £44,000 and left the scene on an e-scooter.

Further offences

Webb returned to the High Street on 3 November and went to a shop where he tried to purchase four pouches of tobacco.

His card was declined and he ran from the premises without paying for the items. 

A short while later, Webb was located by officers at the railway station and, prior to being arrested, discarded a bank card on the ground.

The card was seized and enquiries identified that it had been stolen from a victim’s handbag and used by Webb to make three fraudulent purchases at shops in the town centre earlier that day.


Following his arrest, Webb’s home address was searched and most of the stolen jewellery from the break-in was recovered.

Webb, of Vicarage Road, Tunbridge Wells was later charged with burglary, theft and three frauds.

The 36-year-old pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court. On Thursday 24 February 2022, he was sentenced to two years and five months’ imprisonment.

Police Constable Nell Shortis, of Tonbridge CID, said: ‘Webb brazenly stole from Tunbridge Wells businesses and also targeted a victim who was visiting the town.
‘He was arrested by officers responding to one of the thefts and subsequent investigations identified the other offences he had committed. His prison sentence is entirely justified.’

PC Nell Shortis
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