Appeal launched following attempted theft from Sittingbourne pensioner

Officers investigating a report of an attempted theft from a pensioner in Sittingbourne have released a CCTV image.

At around 10am on Tuesday 8 March 2022, an elderly man withdrew a quantity of cash from a High Street bank.

He walked to his car which was parked in St Michael’s Road and placed the money inside.

Image of man released by police

At this point it is alleged a man approached the victim and told him he had a flat tyre.

While the victim was distracted a woman is reported to have attempted to steal the money, but was foiled when the victim became suspicious.

Investigating officer, PC Alison Honess-Crawley said: ‘It is thought the two suspects may have followed the pensioner from the bank and it is fortunate they were prevented in their efforts to steal his money.

‘We have been making enquiries into the incident and are now releasing an image of a man who may be able to assist with our enquiries.’

Anyone who recognises the man, or has additional information, is urged to call Kent Police on 01795 419419, quoting crime reference 46/43987/22.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555111 or using the online form available on their website.

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