A Tunbridge Wells burglar who was caught after spending a victim’s cash at a bar has been jailed.

On 15 February 2022Scott Parker cycled to a house in Birch Close, Sherwood wearing a reflective tabard and a rucksack.

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Scott Parker

The occupiers were out when he arrived and Parker kicked open the front door.


Once inside he damaged a television and stole around £250 in cash, a distinctive money tin and a mobile phone.

Parker rode from the scene and the victims alerted the police when they returned home.

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Parker cycling to bar

Detectives completed house-to-house enquiries and recovered CCTV footage that showed Parker in the area on his bike.

The investigators also went to a public house near the scene of the burglary to ascertain if anybody in a reflective tabard had been seen.

Examination of CCTV footage at the premises showed Parker arriving there on his bike shortly after the break-in. He could then be seen emptying the stolen money tin and buying some drinks.

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Parker counting cash

Parker was recognised by officers who viewed the footage and he was arrested on 17 February. The clothing he was wearing on the CCTV was also seized.

Parker, of Hornbeam Avenue, Tunbridge Wells was later charged with burglary.


He pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court and on Tuesday 12 April, 46-year-old Parker was sentenced to one year and two months’ imprisonment.

Detective Constable Dave Evans, of the Chief Constable’s Crime Squad, said: ‘Parker brazenly burgled a house in broad daylight and stopped at a nearby pub to spend his ill-gotten gains.
‘His arrogance was his downfall and enquiries by investigators secured sufficient CCTV footage to ensure his conviction.

‘Parker had no consideration for the impact his actions would have on the victims and thoroughly deserves his time in prison.’

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