Maidstone urges residents to make the town wilder!

Community groups around Maidstone are being encouraged to take action, lead activities, and take part in events to help make the world a greener, wilder and more sustainable place.

Maidstone Borough Council’s Go Green Go Wild initiative has produced an environmental calendar to help local groups plan and share events linked to tackling climate change and improving biodiversity

Go Green Go Wild aims to encourage people to look after the nature that’s on their doorstep and connect likeminded people to take action.

The calendar lists international and local initiatives taking place, and if local groups wish to plan and share activities, they can add these to the calendar so other groups and individuals can take part.

James Wilderspin, Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager at Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) said: “We are committed to improving biodiversity in Maidstone and hope the calendar will be used as a platform for passionate groups and individuals who want to enhance our community, tackle pollution and protect our wildlife. There are already so many taking the lead and encouraging others, so the calendar is just a way to spread the word and join people together.”

Anyone interested in making a difference can find a group to link up with or an activity they can get involved in. For instance, Bearsted Climate Action Network has linked up with Kent Wildlife Trust for a talk on nature friendly gardening. Taking place on the 5 May, anyone can join this free event, check out the calendar on the Go Green Go Wild website for more information.

Vegetarian Society

Also, as part of National Vegetarian Week which starts on 16 June MBC has worked with the Vegetarian Society to set up free tasting stalls. These will be at Maidstone Royal Star Arcade on the 21 May and at the Lockmeadow Food Hall on Sunday 22 May, visitors can taste what’s on offer and consider cutting down on meat consumption for a healthier, cleaner and greener lifestyle.

James continues: “We are asking everyone to sign up to events through the calendar, let us know your plans and how we can support, be it finding a venue, linking to other groups, or funding events, we will work together to make a greener world for us all.”

For more information visit

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