Slap on the sun cream and relax on Folkestone’s dog free beaches

Dog owners are being reminded of the annual seasonal restrictions coming into effect on nine of Folkestone & Hythe district’s beaches from Sunday, but there will still be vast expanses of coastline to explore with your pooch.

The district boasts 26 miles of sand and shingle beaches, so there are still plenty of choices for your four-legged friends along the many miles of coastline.

The following beaches are dog-free between 1 May and 30 September each year to ensure everyone can enjoy the seaside, as well as maintain water quality:

Cllr Stuart Peall – Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Regulatory Services, Waste and Building Control – said: “These measures are common across the country and are there to ensure all residents and visitors can enjoy our coastline.

“We ask owners to respect these seasonal restrictions by using the other dog-walking areas our district is blessed with. Penalties of up to £1,000 can be issued to those who don’t follow these reasonable rules.

“I would also like to thank the majority of people who clear up after their dogs and ensure they are on leads where required – on The Leas in Folkestone for example.”

Cllr Stuart Peall

Visit for more information about the restrictions or check local beach signage.

Dog poo contains high levels of harmful nitrates which can reduce the quality of our bathing water and harm local marine life.

Please join the thousands of dog owners who are already helping to keep our waters safe by bagging your dog waste, then binning it.

Don’t forget you can place bagged dog waste in normal litter bins too!

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