An unexpected call for assistance on the M25 led to Kent Police officers assisting with the birth of a baby on the roadside.

Officers came across a stranded vehicle on the slip road off the Darenth Interchange at 2.43pm on Monday 25 July 2022.

Live lane

PC Aimee Smith and PC Nathan Southern found a woman about to give birth in the back of the car in a live lane. They called for assistance from Sergeant Brett Barham who is a trained police medic.

PS Barham, from the Swale Local Policing Team said: ‘When I arrived the baby girl had just been born into the hands of the officers, but due to the extreme traffic congestion in the area we felt that an ambulance would not be able to get to the scene quick enough to assist mum and baby.


‘As a result we turned on the lights and assisted her and her partner with a convoy to the local hospital and left the family in the care of the professionals where I understand they are doing well.

‘I am delighted that we were nearby and able to offer assistance in this case. I wish the family and their new addition, the very best.’

PC Southern from the Rural Task Force added: ‘I am glad that baby and family are doing well. This will definitely be one of those shifts I remember for the rest of my career.’

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