Warning over doorstep callers in Tunbridge Wells

Residents in the Tunbridge Wells area are warned to be on their guard after a suspected thief pretended to offer gardening services to a pensioner.

During the afternoon of Saturday 23 July 2022, a man made an uninvited visit to an address in Southborough, where he told the elderly occupant he could be hired to complete work on their garden.

He then asked for a cup of tea and, whilst the victim was distracted, is alleged to have stolen a quantity of cash before leaving the premises.

The District Commander for Tunbridge Wells, Chief Inspector Omid Changizi, said: ‘I would advise residents to immediately refuse uninvited callers offering on the spot gardening, repairs or maintenance.

‘Anybody seeking to have work done should speak to family and friends to obtain details of recommended and trusted traders, before getting a number of quotes to make a comparison.’

The suspect is described as being white, of medium build and aged in his 20s.

Anyone with information that may assist the investigation is urged to call the appeal line on 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/142001/22.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form on their website.

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