High Street fracas leads to ‘stabbing’ in Sheerness

It is alleged that during a disturbance involving a group of men outside a public house, a teenager suffered a suspected a stab wound.

The incident, in which the teenager allegedly received an injury to his arm, happened in Sheerness High Street between midnight and 12.05am on Saturday 10 September 2022.

He was treated in hospital for an injury.

Officers are appealing for witnesses.

Investigating officer, PC Colin Page, said: ‘This was a violent assault and we have been completing enquiries to identify the person responsible.

‘We are now urging witnesses or anybody with information that may assist our investigation to contact our appeal line.’

Anyone with information should call Kent Police on 01795 419119, quoting crime reference 46/176457/22.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form on their website. 

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