Nearly 3,500 motorists were caught speeding across the county during a two-week campaign supported by Kent Police.

Officers issued Traffic Offence Reports to 326 drivers who broke the limit between 17 and 30 October, with a further 3,138 detected by mobile and static cameras.

The campaign was led by the National Police Chiefs’ Council and involved officers from the Road Safety Unit visiting speeding hotspots throughout Kent, with support from other roads policing colleagues and volunteers from the Special Constabulary.

Further activity is planned in relation to two other campaigns this month, with Brake Road Safety Week running from Monday 14 November and Operation Drive Insured from Monday 21 November.

Chief Inspector Craig West, Head of Roads Policing, said: ‘Promoting road safety and taking action to prevent collisions on our road network is a year-round priority for Kent Police and we will continue to utilise a wide range of resources to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured.

Putting your and other lives at risk

‘There are still far too many people who put lives at risk on a daily basis by speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, using an electronic device at the wheel or driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, and we will not hesitate to take action against them. We also regularly target uninsured drivers, which includes seizing their vehicles, as their disregard for the law often extends to other traffic offences and makes them a collision waiting to happen.

‘My message to motorists is simple – stick to the rules of the road and help to keep yourself and everyone around you safe.

By Ed

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