Dover divvies up the dosh

Community groups in the district have been given a winter boost of over £110k in the latest round of Dover District Council’s Community Grants scheme – meaning the scheme has allocated more than £230k to over 130 groups in the area this year. 

This week, the Appraisal Panel allocated over £110k to 66 groups in the winter round of the popular grants initiative. Earlier this year, DDC announced payments of over £120k to 70 groups in the summer round. 

The Community Grants scheme was set up to help local groups deliver their immensely important work in our local communities.  The grant funding is split into two rounds for summer and winter, and includes £7,500 from the Dover District Lotto. 

Community groups who are benefitting from the winter round of the initiative include: Leaps and Bounds Community Project in Deal (£3,166.67); Aylesham4Aylesham (£3,000); Dover Outreach Centre (£3,566.67); 18th Dover (Shepherdswell) Scout Group (£3,000); and the Sandwich Social Supermarket, (£1,766.67). 

Community groups that benefit the local area were invited to bid for community grants from £100 up to £4,000.  Bids for the winter round closed in September. 

Cllr Oliver Richardson, DDC Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “Volunteers are the backbone of our community, and we are delighted to help so many local groups with our Community Grants.  As communities continue to face the rising cost of living, we were very pleased to be able to provide this funding to help more people. We also welcome the extra funding the Dover District Lotto continues to bring to the scheme.” 

For more information on DDC’s Community Grants scheme, please see the community pages on the DDC website. 

Successful applicants for the DDC Community Grants winter round 2022: 

Deal & Walmer

Dover North

Dover Town

Dover West

Sandwich & Area

66 applications totalling £110,673.32

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