Police Dogs Belle and Gigi, both cocker spaniels and Dixon a springer spaniel with their handers PC Lisa Riddle, PC Craig Whorlow and PC Ian Atkins

Kent Police’s dog section has added three new recruits to their team.

Police Dogs Belle and Gigi, both cocker spaniels and Dixon a springer spaniel with their handers PC Lisa Riddle, PC Craig Whorlow and PC Ian Atkins are now trained forensic recovery dogs after completing the eight-week course.

They join the team of three other forensic recovery dogs and will work closely with Crime Scene Investigators to help search and locate forensic evidence such as blood.

Chief Inspector Craig West, of Kent Police’s Dog Section, said: ‘Police dogs play a vital role in modern policing and work side-by-side with officers and staff to keep people safe and help bring offenders to justice.

‘Dogs like these use their extraordinary sense of smell to track down evidence at scenes of crime, or to help locate people who may be injured and in need of our assistance. We just could not carry out this type of work without them, which is one of the reasons why our police dogs are held in such high regard.’

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