Christmas Message from The Worshipful Town Mayor of Folkestone, Councillor Nicola Keen.

Firstly, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

As our lives slowly return to normal after the horrendous years of the pandemic, where we found ourselves separated from friends and loved ones with the yuletide postponed or spent in isolation, we now face new challenges.  But like the previous difficult times, I am confident that the residents of Folkestone will show the same resilience as we did back then.

Thankfully, this year we are in a completely different place.  As I write this message, we find ourselves in a different world, Christmas is in full swing, plans are in place for celebrations, there are nativity plays, Christmas concerts and of course the pantomimes at the Leas Cliff Hall and the Tower Theatre, but we should still use caution to keep each other safe.  Covid 19 is still around us, albeit in a lesser form.

Christmas is a time of family cheer for some and holding those dear to us and remembering those we have lost along the way.  However, let us also remember, for some, Christmas can be a difficult time. For those facing Christmas alone, for those who through no fault of their own find themselves homeless and of course for our Ukrainian families who have had to leave their homes and travel thousands of miles to find sanctuary here in Folkestone.

I urge you in our world of constant change to help and support others by spreading good cheer and glad tidings, by looking out for those less fortunate and remembering being kind costs nothing.  Just a simple smile, even through a mask, can make all the difference.  

I give thanks to all those who have helped us get through these difficult times, the key workers, the volunteers, the care workers, NHS staff and all who work to support us. 

Remember stay safe, take time to reflect on what has passed, plan for a better future and enjoy the festive season.

Best wishes and let us hope for better times ahead.

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