Shoplifter stole 15 bottles of scotch hidden in his trousers!

Police have arrested a prolific shoplifter following a spree of thefts over a two-week period from Sittingbourne grocery stores.

Kent Police has been investigating allegations of theft involving three businesses in the town, between Friday 27 January and Tuesday 7 February 2023.

Billy Austin, 30, from the town was arrested on 7 February and charged with six counts of shoplifting and one count of theft of fuel later the same day.

Over a 12 day spree, Austin stole 15 bottles of whisky by hiding them in his waistband and hid around £100 worth of meat products in a plastic carrier bag. He also stole over £100 of fuel after filling his vehicle and two containers, and making off without paying.

Austin appeared before Medway Magistrates’ Court on 8 February, where he pleaded guilty to all counts, and is due to appear there again on 24 February for sentencing.

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