Folkestone & Hythe District Council has launched a new campaign aimed at preventing loads of recycling being lost when the wrong items are put in bins.

The Don’t Let Your Recycling Go to Waste drive aims to help residents avoid “wish-cycling”, which is when something is put in a recycling bin in the hope it can be recycled.

Myth busting

With a focus on myth busting, the campaign will look at reducing contamination and increasing the amount recycled in the district through reminders of good recycling and answering frequently asked questions about waste.

Cllr Stuart Peall – Cabinet Member for Enforcement, Regulatory Services, Waste and Building Control – said: “We know lots of residents work hard to recycle – however sometimes rubbish can end up in the wrong bins and contaminate the load.”

“This sometimes means the whole lorry load can’t be recycled and means the council is charged.”

Leader Cllr David Monk added: “Recent waste analysis showed that 52.2% of residual waste collected in the district could have been recycled alternatively at the kerbside.

“This campaign will work towards reducing that figure, by reminding residents what should and shouldn’t go in their bins.”

Residents can find out more about the campaign, including the major contaminants and how to dispose of them, by visiting the council website.

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