Opportunist crooks targeting black bins and parked cars in Cheriton

PCSO Daniel Mills has issued a warning after reports of a person spotted rummaging through black recycling bins within the area of Cheriton.

He says it is unknown what their intentions are but he wants to encourage residents to be aware of what documents they place within these bins.

Personal and private information

It is important to ensure that no personal or private information, such as bank statements, bills etc, are placed within the bin. Police recommend shredding and disposing of sensitive data separately. 


There have also been reports of people accessing parked vehicles that have been left insecure. They are opportunists who target multiple vehicles in the hope that they are unlocked.

Please make sure that your vehicles are secured and that valuables are removed, or at least out of sight. If possible park vehicles in a well lit area that is highly visible. 

As always, please do contact us if you notice anything suspicious or maybe notice that someone has tried to or accessed your vehicle, even if nothing was taken. This helps Kent Police get an understanding of the true extent of the issue and affords us the ability to designate resources and take pro-active work. 

Reporting crime

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