Kitchen argument sparks ‘extreme violence’ with man in 50s stabbed

A Maidstone resident who stabbed a victim following an ongoing argument has been jailed.

On 14 December 2022Stephen Jenkins approached a man he knew in a multi-occupancy residence in Knightrider Street.

Stephen Jenkins WM - Desktop
Stephen Jenkins

Jenkins lived at the premises and the two men had previously disagreed over the use of a communal kitchen area. On this occasion though, the argument escalated into a fight.

Pulled a knife

Jenkins suddenly pulled a knife from his coat and stabbed the victim in the side. He fled the scene while the emergency services were alerted by others.

The victim, who was in his 50s, was taken to hospital for treatment to his injury and his assailant was located and arrested on the same day.

Whilst at the police station, Jenkins also caused damage to a phone in the custody area.

Guilty plea

He was charged and pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court to wounding with intent and criminal damage.

On Thursday 9 March 2023, the 48-year-old was sentenced to three years and four months’ imprisonment.

Detective Constable Chris Welham, of West Kent CID, said: ‘This man used extreme violence following an argument over a minor matter.

‘He did not seek to assist his injured victim but fled the scene thinking only of escaping justice. This was unsuccessful and he is now, quite rightly, starting a prison sentence.’

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