Pet dies as tumble dryer blaze spreads to roof of Dymchurch home

A tragic fire at a home in Dymchurch, Romney Marsh, is believed to have started accidentally after a tumble dryer caught alight. 

Four fire engines and a height vehicle were sent to the bungalow in High Knocke, where crews wearing breathing apparatus extinguished the blaze using hoses. 

Crews believe the fire started in the utility room, where a tumble dryer was kept, and spread to the roof of the property. 

Dog and rabbits

No injuries were reported, and a dog and two rabbits were rescued. However, a rabbit died at the scene. 

Members of KFRS’ Volunteer Response Team were on-hand to offer advice and support to the affected residents. 

Following the incident, firefighters are reminding people to always take care when using white goods such as tumble dryers, dishwashers and washing machines. Make sure they’re only used when someone is home, they’re kept in good working order and to follow manufacturer’s guidelines. 

Fluff in tumble dryers

With tumble dryers, remember to clean the filter regularly as the fluff that builds up can get too hot and catch fire. It’s also best to have a working smoke alarm on each floor of your property and to test them weekly. 

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