The public toilets at the Hampton play area in Hampton Pier Avenue, Herne Bay, have been vandalised and will be closed for an extended period.
The damage. which occurred on Sunday 2 April between 2.30pm and 7pm, has been caused to the walls and the tiles as pictured below.

This may initially appear simple to repair, but there is asbestos present in this building and we will need to call in a specialist company to deal with this.
A Canterbury City Council spokesperson has said, “Safety is our number one priority and we always take extra precautions particularly where asbestos is involved.
“We very much regret the fact that these toilets will be closed over the Easter holidays when people will be out and about enjoying the better weather and the play area is likely to be much busier.
The nearest other toilets are at Hampton pier, which is about five minutes’ walk away.”
This incident has been reported to the police. If you have any information, please call the appeal line on 01843 222289 quoting crime reference DP-14576-23-4646-01.
This is just the latest in a series of incidents over the last few weeks where our toilets have been mindlessly vandalised, including at vital facilities such as the Changing Places disabled facility at Whitstable Harbour.
Such pointless behaviour makes life harder for the public and costs thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money to repair.