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Officers are appealing for information following a report that a man exposed himself to a child in Sevenoaks.

Walking to school alone

The incident happened at around 8.15am on Tuesday 18 April 2023, in a wooded area next to Hillingdon Avenue and close to a junction for The Crescent. The child was walking alone on her way to school, when it is alleged she saw a man who removed some of his clothing before he carried out an indecent act.


The suspect was of Asian appearance and around 40-years-old. He was slim, around 5ft 7ins tall, and described as having a long face, dark short hair and thick eyebrows. It is reported the suspect also had hairy arms and was wearing beige knee-length cargo shorts and a light purple t-shirt, which had a marble or tie-dye effect.

Investigating officers have carried out house-to-house enquiries and are continuing to check for any privately held CCTV or footage from doorbell cameras. Residents in the surrounding roads are also asked to check any security systems for footage around the time of the incident, which may assist the investigation.

If you have any information, call the west Kent appeals line on 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/70051/23. You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or by using the online form on their website.

By Ed

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