A performer reads quotes from Shakespeare’s works Photo: Ray Duff –

By Ray Duff – Despite the weather, Save Folkestone Library campaigners once again gathered outside the town’s main library. This time they read from the works of Britain’s greatest playwright and poet, William Shakespeare, which marked his birthday together with annual ‘World Book Night’.

The event, entitled ‘Shakespeare at Grace Hill’ was based on his lines from the play ‘Titus Andronicus’ – “Come, and take choice of all my library, And so beguile thy sorrow”.  

The original 1888 designs above the main Library doorway Photo: Ray Duff –

Performers read out several more quotes which were thought relevant to the Library and KCC situation including from ‘Julius Caesar’, ‘King Lear’ and ‘Richard III’.

The event was also relevant as there is within the building on the ground floor beside the public internet area, a large fireplace.

This was placed in the Library during its extension to include the original museum space in 1910. It was the only remaining part of a well known Medieval house on The Bayle which existed during Shakespeare’s day.   

Campaigners are now greatly concerned about its fate alongside the building and modern contents.

The protesters outside Folkestone Library Photo: Ray Duff –

During the protest it was pointed out that Folkestone was one of only four libraries in the county which had a Sunday opening, and that this had not been transferred to any other library in the town after closure. People wanting to obtain and return books or access the internet are unable to do so locally.

The event was organized again by the Save Folkestone Library campaign with Folkestone Performing Arts Centre group. 

Further information:

Save Folkestone Library:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/savefolkestonelibrary/

By Ed

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