Two men and a woman who carried out a serious assault in Whitstable High Street have been jailed.

Alfie ScottLewis Jones and Shannon Cook assaulted their victims, leaving one with stab wounds to his face and back during the incident in 2022.

On Saturday 14 May, Cook had come across a group of people who had been out in Whitstable town centre early that evening. An argument begun between the group and Cook.

The group walked away but Cook followed them, when she was then heard to make a phone call to Jones, telling him to get to Whitstable High Street.

A short while later, Scott and Jones arrived in a Landrover Freelander and both got out of the vehicle and began to assault another male in the group while Cook held back the female in the group, pulling her hair.


CCTV captured the assault which showed Scott stabbing the victim from behind while Jones kicked and punched the victim.

He was taken to a local hospital for treatment and later discharged following surgery to his face.

Following an investigation by the East Division CID, all three were arrested on 16 May 2022.

Lewis Jones, 26, from Whitstable, was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Shannon Cook, 25, from Herne Bay, was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and assault.


Alfie Scott, 32, from Canterbury, was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent. He was also charged with arson, in relation to an incident in Talmead Road, Herne Bay on Sunday 15 May 2022.

All three pleaded not guilty to the offences and following a trial were found guilty.

On Friday 28 April 2023, Jones was jailed for eight years and six months, Cook for two years and seven months and Scott for 13 years, with an extended licence of three years.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Emma Wheeler said: ‘This was a completely unprovoked attack on an innocent group of people, leaving them with not only physical scars, but mental ones too. The victims involved will have to remember this awful assault for the rest of their lives. I hope that these prison sentences will at least provide some reassurance to the victims and the public that justice has been served.’

By Ed

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