Prolific and opportunistic thief jailed after being caught on dashcam of stolen car

A prolific thief has been jailed after his movements were caught on the dashcam of a stolen car found in Swanley. 

Images of Luke Carney, shown below, were recovered by officers after they located a Jaguar taken from outside an address in Bexley last year.

The vehicle had been reported stolen during the early hours of 4 December 2022, but tracking software led to its recovery by police less than an hour later.

When the victim checked the dashcam, it showed a suspect returning to the car to turn off the lights. These images were sent to officers, who immediately recognised Carney due to previous dealings with him.

Arrest and searches

On 14 December, the 25-year-old was arrested near to his home address in Swanley.

Searches at the property then led to the discovery of quantities of cannabis, as well as cash and items including slingshots and ball-bearings.

A car key was also found in his possession, and this was linked by officers to a Range Rover stolen just days before from outside Swanley train station.

Carney was charged with two counts of theft of a motor vehicle and with possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

He pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court and on 17 April 2023 was sentenced to two-and-half years’ imprisonment.

Cash seized from his address, totalling £360, was ordered by the court to go to a local charity.

Prolific and opportunistic 

Detective Sergeant Hayley Chilmaid said: ‘Carney is a prolific criminal who will take any opportunity to steal from other people. He is a person who clearly has no regard for the impact his offending will have on his victims and despite several previous warnings and chances offered by the courts seems completely unwilling to change his ways.

‘Offenders like Carney persistently prey upon hard working and law-abiding residents, targeting cars and property with the aim of stealing anything they can get their hands on.

‘On this occasion it is pleasing that we have been able to return both stolen vehicles to their rightful owners. Residents and businesses in the local area will hopefully also be reassured that Carney is now serving a custodial sentence.’ 

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