Police close down flat in Cliftonville over anti-social behaviour

A property which was at the centre of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing concerns has been closed down by Kent Police.

Officers have been repeatedly called to the flat in Clifton WalkCliftonville following reports of late-night shouting, suspected drug dealing and a recent small fire.

At Folkestone Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 17 May 2023, officers from the Thanet Community Safety Unit obtained a closure order forbidding anyone except the landlord or the estate agent from entering the property for three months.

Clifton Latest
The flat in Clifton Walk, Cliftonville

Anyone who does enter the property will be committing an offence under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and could be arrested.

PC Michaela Hill, of Thanet Community Safety Unit, said: ‘Kent Police understands the impact anti-social behaviour and drug dealing has on residents and we will use every avenue open to us to tackle those issues.

‘I hope the closure of this property ends the criminal behaviour those living in the area have experienced, and we will continue to monitor the situation and take further action if necessary.’

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