Two suspected thieves targeting visitors to Sevenoaks have been arrested by town centre officers.

On Tuesday 23 May 2023, a woman who had withdrawn money from a town centre bank was told by some men she had dropped something on the floor as she returned to her car. Whilst the victim was distracted, a man entered her parked vehicle and is reported to have stolen an envelope containing her cash.

Members of public recover money and detain suspect

The suspect was pursued by members of the public who recovered the money for the victim and then handed the man over to attending officers. The 55-year-old from Thornton Heath Greater London, was later released on conditional bail, pending further investigation.

Separate theft

On the following day, officers investigating a separate theft on Wednesday 10 May, arrested a 31-year-old woman from Camberwell.

It is alleged the suspect had approached a man who had visited a bank, telling him he had dropped some money. As the man checked, an envelope containing cash was stolen from his vehicle. The victim pursued the suspect and recovered his property and the incident was reported to the police. The suspect was detained and taken into custody when she was spotted in the town almost two weeks later.

Opportunist thieves

PC Nick Hubbard, of the Sevenoaks Community Safety Unit, said: ‘Whilst this type of crime is normally quite rare in Sevenoaks, I would remind visitors and residents to the town to be alert for opportunist thieves.


‘In particular, anyone withdrawing cash from banks or ATMs, should take care they are not being observed and are not distracted by a stranger who tries to speak to them following the withdrawal.’

By Ed

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