On Wednesday 24 May 2023, patrols were called to a disturbance in Knightrider Street, where a man was behaving erratically. He was arrested and is reported to have been verbally abusive as he was taken to the police station. 

Later the same day, it is alleged the suspect assaulted two officers as they were taking him to hospital for medical attention. Once at the hospital, it is further alleged he made persistent violent threats towards the officers and medical staff, and spat on a number of them. 

Following an investigation by officers from the Maidstone Victim Based Crime Team, the man, of no fixed address was charged with three assaults on emergency workers, three public order offences and one racially aggravated public order offence.

The 33-year-old appeared before Medway Magistrates’ Court where he was conditionally bailed to a hearing at the same court on 2 August.

By Ed

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