Want to know how healthy you are? You can find out at the supermarket, thanks to the NHS.

The health and wellbeing bus and One You Health Improvement Team are visiting different locations this summer, offering free health checks and advice. You can choose a full NHS Health Check or a quick health MOT, and get tips on how to improve your lifestyle and wellbeing.

Groceries and a health check in one go this summer

The NHS is bringing its health and wellbeing bus and One You Health Improvement Team to supermarkets and other places near you.

They offer two types of health checks: a 30-minute NHS Health Check or a shorter health MOT. Both include helpful advice on how to stay healthy and where to get more support if you need it.

Here’s where you can have an NHS health check or health MOT in the next few weeks:

Friday, 16 June, 10am to 3pm, Tesco, Margate Road, Broadstairs

Tuesday, 20 June, 10am to 1pm, Shepway Community Larder, Golding Homes Community Hub, Northumberland Court, Northumberland Road, Maidstone

Friday, 30 June, 10am to 3pm, Asda, Sturry Road, Canterbury

Wednesday, 5 July 10am to 3pm, Eat Well Spend Less event, Farrow Court, Stanhope Road, Ashford

Parents, shoppers and others had health checks and MOTs when our bus recently joined an event in Ashford.

Anthony Dade, 73, was already aware of his main health issues, but following a health MOT, said: “It was nice to be told that I’m doing the right things, I’m on the right track and things haven’t got any worse.”

His wife, Gill, 72, had a full health check on board the KCHFT public health bus.

She said: “I had my height, weight, blood pressure, pulse and cholesterol measured and was given my BMI (body mass index) result. My BMI was a little over, but that’s because I eat too much chocolate!

“Everything else was ok. We stopped to be checked as we live nearby, so it was very convenient. We saw the event was on and it’s nice to see a health professional, for reassurance.”

The bus and One You stand were just two of the attractions at an Eat Well, Spend Less event, organised by Ashford Borough Council (ABC). 

ABC volunteer tree warden Paul Bartlett passed by while the event was on. He said: “Events like this are a terrific idea, right in the middle of communities, where lots of people live.

“People can be cautious about booking a doctor’s appointment, as they might feel they are being an imposition, so this is great. Without having health checks, people might not be aware of how healthy they might be or issues they might have.”

Free NHS health checks are available to people aged 40 to 74 and can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia. We offer these in partnership with Kent County Council.

People can have a free health check every five years (if they are not being treated for any existing cardiovascular conditions).

Services offered on board include health visiting, school health, immunisation, children and young people’s counselling, health checks, One You Kent, sexual health and TB nursing.

Helen Merrick, Health Inequalities and Partnerships Manager at KCHFT, said: “We wanted to increase the visibility of the public health services we offer. We aimed to be more accessible and to take healthcare out to people, rather than expecting them to come to us.

“We spoke with people using the bus and parents said they didn’t want to leave their buggies outside, so we’ve folded down desks so they can now bring buggies on board. We also did a walk round, to make sure wheelchair users would be able to access the space. Other feedback has resulted in us adding some Easy Read leaflets and putting some posters at a lower level.”

Sarah Ansell, KCHFT’s public governor for Ashford, said: “I think the bus is very accessible to people who are disabled and walk with sticks. It is a brilliant resource for the public, taken to the public.”

For more information visit www.kentcht.nhs/healthchecks or phone 0300 123 1220.

By Ed

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