A computer-generated image of a man has now been issued by detectives as they continue to investigate the sexual assault of a woman in Herne Bay.

The victim, a woman in her 60s, opened the door of her home in Station Road when a man then forced his way into the property at around 12.05pm on Tuesday 27 June 2023. She was sexually assaulted over clothing before she was able to get the offender out of the property.

HB efit_latest
Efit: Officers want to identify this man

The suspect was described as a slim white man, 5 feet and 10 inches tall, with short white hair and white facial stubble. He was believed to be wearing a checked padded shirt jacket, khaki cargo shorts, a grey vest top and light brown boots.

The incident was reported to Kent Police two days later and a man was arrested and bailed while enquiries continue.

Anyone who recognises the man pictured or has information regarding the incident, should call Kent Police on 01843 222289, quoting reference 46/115892/23. 

Click here for further information, advice and support relating to Violence Against Women and Girls. This page also includes details on how Kent Police is tackling offences including domestic abuse, stalking, harassment and other forms of violence.

If you have been a victim of violence and wish to report an offence, click here.


You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete their online form.

By Ed

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