Victoria Park Extravaganza – Milestone for Ashford

This summer sees an important milestone for Ashford’s biggest urban park as a number of new and improved facilities are completed and a celebratory launch event takes place.

The Victoria Park Extravaganza will be held on Sunday 23 July from 10am to 4pm and is a community celebration to thank local residents and park users who have supported us with their patience and positivity during the project.

The day will feature all free experiences including:

The Victoria Park and Watercress Fields Project is a £5m+ project delivered by Ashford Borough Council and the National Lottery Heritage Fund to improve and protect Victoria Park for the local community.

Highlights from the new offering include:

Parking may be limited on the day due to popularity of the event but Victoria Road car park is a short walk away. More information on Victoria Road car park and alternative local car parks can be found at

Victoria Park is not far from Ashford town centre or visitors could even cycle to the event. For more information on cycling and walking in the borough and a downloadable map visit

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