Beach Buddies: Kent councils team up to Keep Coast Clean and Safe

LoveYourBeach – DDC Cabinet Members Cllr Jamie Pout and Cllr Edward Biggs, Andrzej Kluczynski from DDC Environmental Protection, and Leader of DDC, Cllr Kevin Mills strike a pose on Deal Pier

Summer is here, and so are the crowds of people flocking to the beautiful beaches of Dover and Folkestone. But while everyone enjoys the sun, sand and sea, there is a serious issue that needs to be addressed …litter!

That’s why Dover District Council and Folkestone & Hythe District Council have joined forces to launch a campaign to keep the coast clean and safe for everyone. They are also reminding visitors to be careful when swimming or playing in the water, as the sea can be unpredictable and dangerous.

From 24 to 30 July, you will see friendly staff from both councils working with their waste management and street cleansing contractor, Veolia, to spread the word about good beach behaviour. They will be visiting Deal beach and Sunny Sands beach in Folkestone, and talking to beach goers about:

The campaign will also feature some fun activities for all ages, such as:

So come along and join the Beach Buddies this summer, and show some love for your beach!

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