A feast for the eyes and the taste buds at Elham show

The winners with their trophies

The Elham Gardening Society held its annual show on Saturday 29 July, showcasing the best of the local produce, flowers and creativity.

The herb class

The event attracted 436 entries of high quality and received high praises from the main judge Janine Doulton, who said that the show’s standard and organisation were the best she’s seen!

Flower display

The show featured various categories, such as fruit, veg, flowers, domestic, art and photography. Some of the highlights included:

The show also featured a display of 100 drawings and paintings of life Under the sea by children from Elham Primary School. The overall winner was Dylan from Willow Class.

Best in show flower arrangement

The show was a great success and a testament to the hard work and talent of the Elham Gardening Society members and supporters. The society’s chairman, Doug Martin, thanked Pam Flight, the show secretary, for her efforts in organising the event.

Collection of vegetables

The full results of the show are available on elhamgardeningsociety.org.uk.

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