PCC Matthew Scott asks Kent residents – Do you trust the police?

PCC Matthew Scott out and about in the county

Kent residents are being asked to anonymously share their opinions on how well Kent Police is doing and what kind of community-based solutions they prefer for some types of offences.

The Annual Policing Survey, launched by Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott, aims to measure the level of trust and satisfaction that people have with Kent Police and the service they provide.

The survey also asks residents if they have been a victim of crime in the last year and how satisfied they were with the outcome. The results will help Mr Scott hold the Chief Constable to account for the force’s performance at his quarterly meetings.

Additionally, the survey includes a question about the Community Remedy, which is a way of giving local people a say in how some offenders should make amends for their actions. The Community Remedy can be used for some antisocial behaviour, low-value theft, criminal damage and some drug and alcohol offences. It can involve options such as mediation, apologies, or community service. The survey will help determine what options are most favoured by Kent residents.

Trust in the police – challenged

Mr Scott said: “Trust in the police has been challenged by many stories of misconduct and criminal behaviour in recent years.

I want to hear from you whether you trust Kent Police and whether you think they respond well when you need them. This survey is anonymous and I want you to be honest. Your views will be heard and fed back to the Chief Constable. Trust in the police is essential for them to serve Kent effectively.

I also want to hear from you about the Community Remedy, which can be applied for some crimes like antisocial behaviour, criminal damage or some low-value thefts. This includes options like mediation between the offender and the victim, written or verbal apologies, or community service. We are reviewing the process in Kent and would like to know what you think are the best solutions.”

Click link to take part https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/KentPolicingSurvey2023/

The survey is can be completed anonymously.

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