A Kent Volunteer Junior Police Cadet has volunteered an astonishing 50 hours of his time in helping his local community.

Charles Fisher of the Dover Unit was presented with a certificate marking the achievement on Sunday 30 July.

Charles Fisher_latest
Top achievement: Charles and his certificate

The unit, which welcomes 11 to 13-year-olds, was set up in April this year and Charles has been part of it since its establishment.

Being a junior cadet offers young people a chance to learn more about the police, advice on staying safe and how to keep involved in supporting their community.

Junior Cadets have attended several events already so far this year, from marshalling the car park for the Drop Redoubt Open Weekend, to assisting at Armed Forces Day.

The 12-year-old was praised by PCSO Mark Ball who manages the Dover Unit of police cadets.

He said: ‘It is commendable that we have brilliant cadets like Charles who are willing to give so much time to help in the community. To have dedicated a total of 50 hours in such a short space of time is remarkable and we thank Charles for all of the hard work he has done to make a difference to Dover and the wider district.’

By Ed

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