A popular amateur orchestra is looking for someone new to wield the conductor’s baton as it tunes up for a new season.

Ashford Sinfonia, which played a summer concert to an appreciative audience in St Mary’s Church, Willesborough in July, is looking for a conductor to lead the orchestra at Monday evening sessions during school term times and at a concert once each term.

The orchestra is made up of around 30 amateur musicians, beginners and ‘returner’ adults, and plays a variety of classical music and pieces from stage and screen. The conductor’s post is paid in line with music teachers’ hourly rates and sessions are from 7.30 to 9pm.

“Our current conductor has had to stand down because of pressure of other work commitments and we are now looking for someone else to fill her shoes,” explained Sinfonia chairman and ‘cellist Dr Roger Pinnock.

“We are a friendly bunch who enjoy getting together each week to play music and we are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about helping us play as well as we can. We rehearse in the St Mary’s, which is a beautiful venue.

“With sessions due to restart on Monday 11 September we are keen to hear from anyone who may be able to help as soon as possible.”

Roger can be contacted at rogerpinnock@btinternet.com or by ringing 07747 015200. The orchestra has a website at ashfordsinfonia.com

By Ed

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