Officers on duty in Folkestone
Folkestone’s Beat Team, Neighbourhood Task Force and Local Policing Team, assisted by officers from the Kent Special Constabulary, carried out checks on Friday 18 August 2023 in Sandgate Road, Middelburg Square, Cheriton Road, Wear Bay Road and Tram Road.
A total of 24 drivers were reported for offences including using a mobile phone at the wheel, speeding and not wearing a seat belt.
One uninsured vehicle was seized and one person was issued with a community resolution for possession of cannabis.
Moreover, advice was given to 15 other drivers about how they drove.
Folkestone District Commander Chief Inspector Mark Hedges said: ‘There is no excuse for dangerous driving and we will look to take action against anyone we see endangering themselves and other road users.
‘Road safety is a key part of Kent Police’s Safer Summer campaign and we will continue to carry out operations like these in Folkestone and around the county to keep people safe.’
For more information on Kent Police’s Safer Summer campaign, click here.