Ashford honours two of its Creative Giants

Ashford Borough Council has recently awarded two of its most distinguished and influential creative figures, Mr Doodle and Jasmin Vardimon MBE with the Honorary Ambassador of Ashford Award.

The award scheme aims to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements and contributions of individuals who have enhanced the reputation, development and well-being of the borough.

The recipients of this prestigious honour are Ashford-born artist Sam Cox, also known as Mr Doodle, and internationally acclaimed choreographer and director Jasmin Vardimon MBE. Both of them have made remarkable impacts in their respective fields of arts and culture, and have inspired many others with their talent, vision and generosity.

Mr Doodle is a global sensation in the world of doodling, drawing and painting. His unique style of covering surfaces with intricate and playful patterns has earned him millions of fans and followers online. He has also collaborated with many famous brands, celebrities and organisations, such as Adidas, MTV, Samsung, Zedd and the United Nations. Mr Doodle has not only showcased his amazing skills, but also shared his personal struggles and challenges with mental health, anxiety and self-doubt. He has used his platform to raise awareness and support for these issues, and to encourage others to express themselves creatively.

The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Larry Krause, presented the award to Mr Doodle at his studio in Ashford. He praised Mr Doodle for his incredible success and his positive influence on the global arts and culture scene.

He said: “Mr Doodle has put Ashford on the map with his phenomenal talent and creativity. He has also shown great courage and honesty in opening up about his mental health challenges, which I am sure has helped many people who are going through similar experiences. He is a true inspiration for the new generation of creative Ashfordians.”

Jasmin Vardimon MBE is one of the most respected and influential figures in contemporary dance. She is the artistic director of Jasmin Vardimon Company, which she founded in 1997. The company has performed worldwide, receiving critical acclaim and numerous awards for its innovative and captivating productions. Jasmin Vardimon is also an educator, mentor and advocate for dance education. She has established several educational programmes, such as the Jasmin Vardimon Educational Company, the JV2 Professional Development Diploma, and the MA in Contemporary Dance at Royal Holloway University of London.

The Mayor of Ashford, Cllr Larry Krause, presented the award to Jasmin Vardimon at her new creative studio in Ashford. The studio is a state-of-the-art facility that provides a hub for dance training, research and development in the UK. It also offers a range of opportunities for local communities to engage with dance and culture. The Mayor congratulated Jasmin Vardimon for her outstanding achievements and her contribution to the cultural development of the borough.

He said: “Jasmin Vardimon is a visionary leader in the field of dance. She has brought world-class artists to Ashford, creating a vibrant and dynamic cultural environment. She has also been instrumental in nurturing and supporting young talents, offering them a platform to develop their skills and careers.”

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